Why 7Minutes?

7 minutes to learn, the perfect amount of time.

The 7Minutes formula is the training match for a hyper-fast, hyper-mobile and hyper-connected world.

Daily life in this century is full of pitfalls that challenge our ability to organize and grow.

We are accustomed to move with rapid movements, to be always connected and to fill our days with activities that prevent us from finding the right space for many important things, such as our training.


Time we spend connected to the network


Time we are glued to our cell phones


Maximum peak of attention for a human being


Average of cognitive data supported
simultaneously by working memory

Time we spend connected to the network
6 hours 0 minutes/day
Time we are glued to our cell phones
2 hours 0 minutes/day
Maximum peak of attention for a human being
0 minutes
Average of cognitive data supported simultaneously by working memory
0 elements

A whole new format

A unique format that provides a structure of content based on 5 key elements:

Today there's a new way to grow: take a class on 7Minutes!

Everything in 7 minutes

According to the most authoritative scientific research studies, 7 minutes is the maximum amount of time which a human being can devote to an activity before going into cognitive overload or distraction.

7 minutes is the perfect amount of time to learn!

Request the 7Minutes trial and enter the new era of training.


7 minutes at your disposal

On the roller coaster with the attention curve.

Put some order in your cognitive warehouse

Learn how to manage the space at your disposal.

Risorsa 8

Train for cognitive load

Mens sana in training sano.

Fragmenting content allows us to train our minds for cognitive load and maximize learning.

Train for cognitive load

Mens sana in training sano.

Fragmenting content allows us to train our minds for cognitive load and maximize learning.

Every Minute Counts.

Request your free 15-day trial now

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